Maow Miniatures
Maow Miniatures

Concours de sculpture


"Dress a greeny"sculpting contest

From june to december 2020 Maow Miniatures launch its fifth sculpting competition.

"Dress a greeny". The challenge was to dress an anatomy sculpted by Raphaël Banguet.

The winner, Antoine Bergeron with his "Coureur des bois" was chosen by a jury of 8 miniaturists.
David Lefevre with his "Breizh orc" and Charlotte Michel with her "Fauve" complete the podium

Here is a gallery consisting of 22 versions of Greeny. Click on the thumbnails to enlarge.
Congratulations to all participants and see you soon for the next edition of "Dress a ...?"



La devise du chat: "Qu'importe ce que tu as fait, essaie toujours de faire croire que c'est la faute du chien!". [Jeff Valdez]